måndag 6 januari 2014

Sharing a bit of my myself

I'd like to start off this blog with nothing too heavy so perhaps sharing my view on life would be a good start. Like almost all spiritual folks these days I believe that the earth (and its people) are undergoing a huge shift in consciousness. I believe this because it is something that I feel every day, I am not the same person I was a month ago, barely a week ago! There are daily discoveries just waiting to be ripped out of my subconscious.

It all started when I got more "aware" of my own feelings and emotions. Identifying and recognizing a feeling and also what triggers it. And this awareness is constantly growing and finding more places to search in my mental and emotional body. I believe it is everyones responsibility to "deal with their own shit", in other words deal with stuff that triggers you.

What makes you mad, sad, frustrated, anxious or afraid?

You might start with thinking "WHAT? It's this person, that place or that circumstance yada yada yada". But what this really is is a sign, look into yourself and see what triggers it, find the core problem. For me finding this pathway was tough, I've been going through life on various medication for pretty hardcore depressions. I finally realized that the problem was not (only) the outside world, but that it was me who built walls of fear around so many people and so, so many circumstances that I didn't dare to face the world. I still wrestle with these fears of course, but the difference is that now I know how to deal with them.

Okey, so now you got a taste of me, what I really like and what I really think is important (and cool). Because when you finally reach a state where there is no fear, worry or anxiety, there is nothing but joy. People in this world is constantly trying to reach this state of mind through a varieties of ways. Some people drink, do drugs, go on a shopping spree, work out or simply please other people in the hope that they will get "rewarded" for that. I don't think that people should stop doing these things, quite the other way around. However, if you start to actually think about what YOU feel about all these things you do, perhaps some things will change, others will not. It is only when you start to feel your emotions and live in them that you can recognize your true self.

So, to the big finale, the million dollar question... How? How do I feel my emotions? How do I feel joy? How do I become aware? I personally don't know what will work for you or if my method works for anyone but me! But I will share a quick summary of what I did.

I started out with going to a therapist. And to be honest it was one of the best things I could do. The things I found out, where my fear of talking to people came from, where my guilt, shame and tiny self-confidence came from. I could finally let it go! By allowing myself to feel bad, cry or be really mad it slowly drifted away from me. It's not like it's instantly combusts itself, but you get it out of your system. Then I simultaneously started with meditation and relaxing for about 20 - 30 minutes a day. Both of these methods I can highly recommend if you feel lost, sad or simply dull about life. You can also start asking yourself daily: How do I feel? About this, that, her or him? It can be really tough in the beginning but you will get there, I have faith in you. If you are happy with your life, then you are a lucky person and I couldn't be happier for you!

If you ever try something like meditation, want some more info or need guy to talk to just send me a mail or post here on my new fresh 2014 blog!

I think this will be it for today, I feel like I can go on and on but I think it's enough for a first read, daamn...

Over and out,

2 kommentarer:

  1. Jocke, jag tror inte du Jan förstå hur mycket jag känner igen mig i det du beskriver här. En av anledningarna till att jag lämnade sverige var att jag ville försöka bry mig mer om mig själv och hitta mig själv. Hitta problemen till mina djupa depressioner och ångestattacker. Det har varit en tuff resa, men jag har lärt mig mycket om mig själv. Nu är det nästa stora steg som kommer, att åka hem igen och försöka ordna upp mig själv där hemma också.
    Om du har vägarna förbi Brisbane innan april, slå mig en pling!
    Ta hans om dig!
    //Sofia Rehn

    1. Woho :D! Det låter väl lite fel men det är "kul" att höra! Jag vet precis vad du menar, det har varit samma sak för mig. Och jag tänkte faktiskt på dig här om dagen när jag såg att du var på väg till Brisbane på facebook. Vi börjar våran roadtrip från Sydney den 23 januari så om du har lite tid över någon dag när vi är i närheten kan vi träffas tycker jag! Hade varit väldigt roligt!
