I don't really know what to write about today so I'll simply start to summarize how I feel. Some days are just bad, there is no reason for it, you just feel like dogshit. Today is one of those days for me. For no apparent reason I feel really tired and the old negative me wakes up from its slumber. This "me" is a voice inside my head that has been accompanying me in my past. Now a days it doesn't follow me everywhere since I am usually in a happier mood and doesn't think too much about the trials of life. But today, as I said, it is here.
I think this negative voice is something we all have. It comes in all shapes and sizes, just as personalities. I strongly believe that almost everyone is trying to hide it for some reason. People are afraid of what other folks might say if something is shared. Our current life is a charade where the most "happiest" person wins. Share all that you have and every positive aspect of your life on Facebook. Write on your lovers wall and say how wonderful he / she is. Make a bold statement so that other people might consider you a "smart" person (whatever that is). The first time you meet a person you measure what you "are" by bragging about what you have, what you have done or anything else that's surrounded by a hollow shell of fear.
Is this our future? Where everyone hides their true thoughts and emotion to give out a false picture of themselfs? I can see this everywhere and it's when I have a day like this that I think too much about it. It is heavy, it is sad and makes me want to scream out to the world that you are so, so, so fucking wrong. But I don't. This is the first time I make an honest attempt to raise my voice about the issue. Earlier I've been too scared of what people might think of me, an idiot that doesn't fit the profile of a "normal" person. And this post ain't about others people stupidity, nor is it an attempt to make you feel bad, I just want you to see for yourself and think for a moment. So many actions of the common man is based, built upon and basically drowned in fear.
This is what everything comes down to in the end: Fear. There is nothing but fear driving people to maintain this charade of life. Fear of being excluded, fear of being laughed at, fear of being labeled. If you dig deep enough in all of your personal issues you will find the answer, and it is fear. So in this life we are all trapped in our own self-imposed walls of fear, which we seek to find our way out of. "The pursuit of happiness" is something that is widely practiced, but how many succeed? How many people in our western society lives a happy life? It's sad when you think of it, because noone that I know is happy. At least not in a genuine way. So perhaps we should rethink these alienated ways of thinking and acting. Maybe act on something that is more sincere and genuine than how many likes you will get on Facebook?
I dream of a world where any man can open up and share his/her feelings and emotions. Whether it be anxiety, fear, happiness or joy, it truly does not matter. I wish for a world were we see each individual and cherish her for what she is, not for what we think she should be. This is why my day is shitty, because I long for this change, I am aware of the damage we cause by not being true to ourselfs. I just wish all of you out there, my brothers and sisters could see and make an effort to give in to the change and be what you came here to be. We are no sheep, we are lions. We are no victims, we are free. But only you hold the key to the handcuffs which constrain you. It is time to dig deep and find the answers and set yourself free. Only you are the answer. You.
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