The topic of today will be something that I really need to get out there. I have a tingling feeling in the back of my head and I also feel the need to express myself from my heart. The world is changing. If you have not felt anything by now perhaps you should think again. The last weeks or months, didn't you feel especially tired, angry, sad or perhaps even joyful for no real reason what so ever? You probably explained it by your standard things like; Didn't get enough sleep, was working for the whole day or something that makes "sense". There is more things happening on a global scale! Syria, Egypt, the NSA leakings, whistleblowers in all kinds of corporations. Yet noone seem surprised or schocked, why isn't this discussed further? I have a desperate need to adress this and to wake people up.
However this is harder than it seems, generally people seem to rather ignore something kind of obvious than accepting it. It is time to look outside of your comfort zone, to think outside your comfort zone and to BE outside your comfort zone. It is time to question things and start to consider what you really want with life. Have you ever questioned your reality? Do you ever wonder why you are here in the first place? I could tell you but you would not believe me. We are not some random essences made by a random occurence many billions of years ago. That's what you have been told, that's what we are all programmed to think and to accept as "reality". Do you seriously think we were placed on this planet just to work and "earn" our living? Does it sound right to you?
You have no idea how hard this is for me, I've been discovering so much about myself and my "reality" that I sometimes even consider myself crazy. Despite this I'm perfectly calm, I am a more stable person than I ever were before. And I know that this is my path that I'm meant to walk, I know that my mission is to help other people to find themselfs. But this is extremely difficult at times because I can't express myself in spiritual terms, I have to speak in "general" and "common" language so the person itself can accept it. Most of the times they only consider my words as wise and don't really question it, they just see that my perspective is kind of wide. But the reason I know this much is because I've been where they are and I've dealt with their kind of situation. Many people are so afraid and don't know how to go through with their issues and that really hurts. It hurts to see them suffer. There is not much I can do except for being the calm listener and to give my advice in the situation.
I have a deep inner wish that more people would listen to their inner voice and look for something more profound and meanigful than a better job. I wish people could accept the fact that we are not "all knowing". I wish for people to set aside their judgement of other people and work on their own issues. To focus their intention towards a world that works for every individual. I can totally feel that the world is changing, but I can't see it. It feels like we are standing on the edge of a big event that will shake us all to the core of our beings, but again, it's just a feeling. Perhaps you too recognize something deep within you as I mention this? Don't you long for a long and lasting change?
Imagine a world where we all live in co-operation and not separation. A society and school system that values every individuals qualities instead of trying to fit them into "The Frame". A world where the economy is prospering in the hands of the people, not the qualified few who use money for their own personal gains. Imagine a world where the newest technology is available to the populace and not strictly confidential and used within the governments.
And as I write these final words I feel as if I will be judged, I know it. But this is not some wild fantasy I've made up, it is something very real and it's not that farfetched. Even though it seems so, right? But big and lasting change does not happen "out there", it starts from the inside. We need to work on the way we see and percieve things, we cannot solve old problems with our old mindsets. I like using the metaphor that one candle can light up an entire room. And that is true in so many ways, being good, accepting and compassionate will light up a dark room with judgement and hatred. It is time to take the blindfold off, to see the world with new eyes. Start questioning, find your truth and be the person you've always been destined to be.
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